Need help finding childcare? Use our new Parent Guide for Choosing Quality Licensed Childcare Guide
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Financial Support Information
Help with Child Care Fees
Child Care fees will depend on the age of the child, hours of care and type of program. It’s important to ask a program about their child care fees ahead of time to determine if the program is right for you.
Child Care Subsidy
If you need help paying for child care and want to apply for child care subsidy, you must meet the following criteria:
1. Be living in Peel with children age 12 and under
2. Be employed or be attending school
3. Have filed your previus year’s income tax return (if you arrived in Canada this year, you may provide your Canada Child Benefit notice instead)
For more information about help paying for child and how to apply visit: Child Care Subsidy
Lower child care fees through the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care plans
To receive lower child care fees, children under 5 must be enrolled in a licensed centre or home child care program that chooses to participrate in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care plan. Get more information about the program and participating Peel Region providers.
Search for licensed child care
To help you create a list of licensed child care programs that meet your family’s needs, use the program locator and filter by need.
Questions or Concerns
If you have a question of concern about your licensed child care program or have been refused access to child care, refer to Sharing questions or concerns about your child care program).