Getting The Message Across: Understanding Receptive And Expressive Communication (Kerry’s Place)
Getting the Message Across: Understanding Receptive and Expressive Communication in Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This 2 ½-hour workshop will provide parents, caregivers and professionals supporting persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) information about communication differences in persons with ASD and strategies to support functional communication. The workshop will explore ways persons with ASD receive and express information through spoken language, augmentative communication systems, gestures, and visual supports.
As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:
- define receptive and expressive communication
- describe the difference between receptive and expressive communication
- identify strategies for improving functional communication
- describe the importance of collaborating with a Speech Language Pathologist
Recommended Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Everyone Learns Differently: Strategies to Bridge the Gap Between Learning and Teaching for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder